Cast metal sculptures made by generating geometry from subject's brainwaves.
This project is part of a larger body of work by the artist that was shown at The European Cultural Centre during the Venice Biennale and at The Smithsonian Museum in New York.
A. Individuals are 3D body-scanned while wearing an electroencephalogram (EEG).
Each person’s brainwaves are recorded during the scanning, yielding massive amounts of brainwave data.
B. Each subject’s brainwave data is analyzed by a custom machine-learning algorithm.
C. Brainwave data is used to manipulate the geometry of the subjects' 3D body scans, visibly expressing each subject's unique mind and psychological state.
This work makes visible the sociological, neurological, and psychological aspects of being human.
Themes of science fiction are realized by combining design technology from the medical device industry, handcrafted machine-learning algorithms, and the traditional art of casting metal. The project focuses on the value and beauty found in the diversity of our species and the meaning of “knowing” each other and ourselves.
“This work finds new ways for us to see each other and ourselves.” -Samuel Stubblefield