Gimbal No. 1 (Voyager 1 + Kauaʻi ʻōʻō)
Oil pipeline cap, directional audio emitters, motor, rubber drive belt, found object, sound recordings.
Directional emitters send two, separate focused sounds toward the spinning dish. One sound signal is the last recorded mating call of the Kauaʻi ʻōʻō, an extinct bird from Hawai'i. The other is a recording of NASA's Voyager 1 robotic probe as it moves through interstellar space.
As the dish spins, the linear sound signals, both aimed at the center of the dish, eventually collide. The sound creates a relationship between animals of the earth and deep space.
Also displayed at Centre Pompidou during Nuit Blanche, Paris.
Work with Amie McNeel and Mark Zirpel.
Additional sound assistance: April Soetarman
Installation view image ©2020 Samuel Stubblefield, LLC